How to Balance Your Professional and Personal Social Media Identity

How to Balance Your Professional and Personal Social Media Identity

As millennials, we have no doubt to admitting that social media is plugged to our hips. Not only does our social media identity serve an influential role towards how we collect and share information, but also continues to shape the future on how social media will impact the later generations within this digital sphere when exchanging conversation amongst our personal and professional community.


1. Identify your current social media presence.

Take note of your bio, profile photo, people you follow and your followers. Distinguish and separate your two audiences within your personal and professional networks. It is imperative that the content you share collectively indicates its respective account.


2. Establish a professional identity that connects to a specific audience in relation to your career.

Make sure the published content to your social media account corresponds with the bio. Incorporate usage of keywords and posts that talk about what relates to industry professionals within your professional social media accounts.


3. Remember who your audience consists of.

Managing your personal identity and professional brand requires useful strategy. The main factor towards effective connection and communication between your personal and professional account is content. Be mindful of the photos, re-shares and retweets, memes, status updates, and anything you like across your feeds and timelines. Remain mindful that all you post is seen across your public network. Reputation is key, whether it be on a personal or professional scale.


4. Adjust your privacy settings.

Limit what your following crowd can see. Remember, even within the public network, you have the control of who can your photos and posts. Majority of your content on your professional social media accounts should consist of activity that will potentially engage new followers, keeping them on the edge as to what you will share and post next time around.


MADE by Chelsey Little

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