burnout has become a societal norm. and most of us have normalized “going all in” for our jobs, finding it hard to exist outside the confines of a job title. we say yes to everything because we are fueled by this constant desire of having to earn our keep and prove we’re capable of doing amazing work.
we take on project after project, assignment after assignment, falling deeper and deeper into the trap of being a chronic overachiever until one day, boom. it gets real. you crack under the pressure you’ve self-inflicted on yourself. you lash out unexpectedly on someone. or worse, your body begins to shut down because you haven’t been taking care of yourself.
it ain’t gotta be this way, though. the emotional fatigue. the decline in health. the anger. the depression. the detachment from life. it’s time we do better. it’s imperative you put yourself first.
here are some ways i’ve found to be impactful in combating burnout in your life.
6). stop sweating the small stuff.
it’s a simple concept, but it’s difficult to grasp. learn to stop sweating the small stuff and let things go. stress in general affects your health as well as your lifespan. ain’t nobody got time to be stressing over a job for a company that would keep moving perfectly fine if you died tomorrow (harsh reality, i know.) stress and peace cannot coexist. you’re either gonna have one or the other. and trust me, no good can come from stressing out on the job. chill out and keep calm before you drive yourself crazy.
5). find a hobby outside of work.
the hobby should be something you want to do, not something you have to do. otherwise, it’s not a hobby it’s a chore. find something you like doing just because, preferably something reoccurring like a spin class, painting class, or karate. it’s a great way to meet new people and give yourself purpose outside of your 9-5. definitely time well spent.
4). work on side projects that drive your passions.
i’ll get straight to the point with this one. don’t you dare sit here and spend majority of your day building up and contributing to someone else’s dream that you get home too tired to spend time on the things that keep you going. period.
despite what you may think, passion projects are a necessity. don’t think you have one? sure, you do. it’s that idea you’ve had in your mind for the past year or so that you’ve yet to pursue because it seems impractical. or unlikely. it’s the project that excites you at the very thought and propels you to wanna be great.
these types of assignments are critical to your development professionally, personally, and creatively. and if you have a passion project that you’ve since put down due to work, make the time and pick it back up. if you have yet to start one, do so today and watch how your priorities begin to change.
Read the full article HERE.
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