Do You Act Like A Leader Others Love To Emulate?

Do You Act Like A Leader Others Love To Emulate?

Ladies, do you know the #1 way to be a leader? You’ve probably read just as many books as I have, attended or led many a development training session, and sat in on management leadership workshops, each giving different methods to lead. However, I think A+ leadership boils down to one thing: Trust.

Think about it. There is no sense in building a fantastic team of top earners, developers, or VPs if you can’t trust them to do the work they were hired to do. I mean, can you trust them enough (and yourself) to let go? Can you delegate with ease and peace of mind? Can you NOT micromanage, the number one thing non-leaders do? If you’ve said “no” to any of this, we need to talk.

Not being able to delegate is a sure sign of insecurity. Yes, I said it. You may be insecure in yourself and, subsequently, insecure in your team. (Remember, stuff trickles down from the top, right?) If you’re constantly hovering over your team and micromanaging them, from how they think to how they send an email or submit a report, this means that, sure, you are probably trying to cover your ass so that mistakes aren’t made or so that you look good in front of your superiors or your clients. But what’s happening is that not only are YOU doing THEIR work, you’re also undermining their confidence to do the work. They will get into the habit of not doing what’s needed because they know you’ll be right behind them to clean up any messes, real or perceived. OR, they will begin to resent you due to their lack of being free to make their own decisions and experience their own successes and even failures.

Read the full article HERE.

 Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor you’ve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found at

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