Founders Row with Justin Romano: Marketing Advice to Tech Entrepreneurs

Founders Row with Justin Romano: Marketing Advice to Tech Entrepreneurs

Featured Business Advice: Justin Romano, CEO & co-founder of Backspace and also Head of Product Development at Brandless Group shares practical tips on marketing advice for tech entrepreneurs. Check out the video for more tips and resources below.

1. Solve A Major Issue

Discover a pain point or hole in the market and create a solution.

2. Research Before you Build
Validate your concept with potential customers/users to find out if the solution makes their lives easier and how much money they would be willing to pay for it.

3. Stick To The Basics
Create Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP), or a bare-bones version of your product. Don’t overload your initial product with tons of bells and whistles. Take the ONE thing that your product/service needs to do to solve the pain point in your market, then create your MVP around that (and only that).

4. Research After You Build
Validate your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) with your customers/users. Get a group of beta testers (your ideal user) and have them use your product and give you feedback. A lot of people skip this step and go straight to launch only to find out later that they should have done more testing in the earlier stages.


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Founders Row is community for creative entrepreneurs of color whose mission is to provide entrepreneurs a first row seat in entrepreneurial success. Our mission is to share practical solutions and opportunities with founders representing start-ups in the tech and creative Industries through a variety of online and in-person forums. As a result of these exchanges, we hope to prepare future and current founders for success.
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