MADE Magazine unveils four collectible covers for its special women’s Issue featuring La La Anthony, Luvvie Ajayi, Ayesha Curry and Val Warner to celebrate and cultivate women of color.
The dynamic and diverse group of multifaceted women each shared their candid career journeys, revealing advice on achieving and maintaining success and balance in exclusive interviews with MADE Magazine, a print and digital publication designed to empower millennials of color.
“The goal of this issue was to highlight the undeniable strength of women of color through the relatable journeys of influential women that courageously live their lives out loud everyday,” said Ashley White, MADE’s Associate Editor. “Our initiative to drive the future of women forward through our editorial issue stemmed from a desire to empower all women of color; we couldn’t have picked better voices to illuminate our mission.”
The digital edition of the issue available at serves as a personal and professional blueprint with features of inspirational stories, beauty and fashion must-haves, productivity tips and most notable, the MADE Maven Manual – a career guide for professional women featuring the advice of notable female business leaders who will also speak at MADE’s inaugural two-day women’s conference, the MADE Maven Leadership Summit.
“Beyond the pages of this special issue, our goal for MADE’s women’s channel (MADE Maven) is to inspire, inform and cultivate our community by providing access not only to information and opportunities but most importantly, direct advice and mentorship through our leadership summit.” explained Kris Christian, Founder and Publisher of MADE Magazine. Read the full issue HERE!
On the heels of the new issue release, MADE will be presenting the MADE Maven Leadership Summit at the Virgin Hotels Chicago on April 28-29, 2018. The two-day immersive experience will bring together dynamic career women from across the country to mentor and engage rising professionals in interactive master classes, targeted networking opportunities, and authentic fireside chats.
“The Census Bureau has projected that women of color will be the majority of all women in the U.S. by 2060. Yet, it is widely known that women of color are the minority in executive and management positions in this country; looking at the facts and being a publication run by women of color, we developed this summit with our eyes on the future and our finger on the pulse of those driving our economy and culture forward: Black women.” During the summit, attendees will discuss business strategies, brand solutions and other topics crucial to women’s career development.
They will also participate in workshops and a panel discussion from guest speakers including: Vanessa Abron – Public Relations Entrepreneur, Veronica Appleton – Published Author, Robin Ayers – Author and Entertainment Journalist, Taylar Barrington – CEO of Cliquish, Jetta Bates – Managing Director of Twist Global, Kris Christian – CEO of FAME Enterprises, Dr. Isfahan Chambers-Harris – Founder/CEO of Alodia Hair Care, Quinetha Frasier – Founder of MyPledger, Chrishon Lampley – Founder/CEO of Love Cork Screw, Felicia Lawrence – Host of WCIU’s The Jam, Aaja Corinne Magee – Branding Strategist, Halleemah Nash – Chief Partnerships Officer at the Academy Group, Karleen Roy – Founder/CEO of The Vanity Group, Ranada Shepard – Writer and Producer at Coco Cubana Productions, Donnie Smith – Executive Director of Donda’s House, Angela C. Stevens – Author and Celebrity Stylist, Val Warner – Journalist and Television Host of Windy City Live. Learn more about the MADE Maven Leadership Summit and a full list of events at
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