Single Women Come Through with the Political Agenda

Single Women Come Through with the Political Agenda

Sporting a naked ring finger and second-guessing your five year plan? No need to fret because New York Magazine released a cover story stating that single women rule the vote. Election time is upon us with plenty of propaganda and hot button issues being thrown about left and right. While these informal shenanigans take place, Rebecca Traister (“The Single American Woman” writer) states, there is a whole reorganization of citizenry occurring.

This so-called upheaval in the identity of the everyday woman took centuries to happen. However, the “Ms. Cleaver method” of going to academia just to find a husband is a far memory of what used to be the norm. Women have ditched the white picket fence Polaroid for something with more pixels. If you hadn’t noticed, most women activists over the past centuries were not married. If any of the women were, it was in a less conventional ideal versus the bandwagon of brides dating back to the 1950s hitched by 20 years of age. While a massive amount of the women audience were procreating, women like Susan B. Anthony were fighting for abolition and suffrage.

The benefits that come with putting off marriage go far past what others may perceive. The New York magazine article delved into statistics that track the lineage of freeing up women’s time to put their minds first. Dodging your friends and family’s questions about when you plan on settling down should not be something you hide. While you figure out how to break glass ceilings, there is a gang of women to keep you company and rule the world.


MADE by Xuxa Day

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